Discover stress-free living, gain clarity to set goals and achieve them effortlessly with the best visualization & hypnotherapy techniques while strengthening your body with engaging Taekwon-Do trainings!

Change Your life in just 3 days of empowering Mind & Body workshops for Men and Ignite Your Strength.

  • Workshops for managing stress and sustainable motivation.
  •  Mindfulness meditation sessions to clear your head and gain inner balance
  • Taekwon-Do Trainings – with renowned Instructors with over 20 years experience
  •  Asian style houses for accomodation and deeper experience
  •  Excellent food prepared with fresh, local ingredients
  • Sauna session for relaxation and immunity
  •  Fireplace evening for bonding and discussions
  • Online support group to help you get through the daily challenges
  • Extras & Bonuses!

Mindset Workshops

What makes our brain tick? We will be exploring how to overcome limiting beliefs and let go of unnecessary thoughts. Learning how our ego works will bring changes to every aspects of our lives, especially improving our relationships and empowering our self-image. Remember that the new knowledge needs practice – that’s why our Online Support group is so important!

Taekwon-Do Trainings

From white belts to Masters, everyone was will enjoy our trainings! The energy that people generate during these sessions is amazing. You will definitely learn new exercises and new approach to training. After the training you will experience relaxation technique to help you relax and regain your energy.

Hypnotherapy & Meditations

The meditation practice is one of the most important parts of our Workshops. We will immerse ourselves in the guided exercises (breathing, listening, gratefulness, etc.). Learning to keep the distance to your thoughts is essential to our overall well-being. This practice is something that you can do at home after the workshops at your own pace.

ITF Radix Project & Junbi Spirit

This workshop by Sabum Roy Rolstad is very creative and eye-opening! We will discover numerous new applications for the techniques we already know. While I had seen some examples from the ITF Radix Project before, practicing it live is a whole new level of awesomeness. After last year’s presentation everyone wants more! Junbi Spirit presentation is something you will remember for a long time!

Venue: European Budo Center

The European Budo Centre – Dojo Stara Wieś was designed and built in accordance with the principles of Japanese architecture amid the Polish landscape and is unique on a world scale. It is the world’s largest performance training centre for Far Eastern martial arts and sports. It offers comprehensive training opportunities and a chance to experience the spirit, atmosphere and philosophy of Japanese martial arts


Community & Online Group

The single most important thing that determines the quality of our lives is the quality of our relationships. We are building a community of strong, trustworthy group of men who are willing to share their experiences and support each other. Friendship started during these 3 days are beginning of many new adventures.


Learn proven methods for lasting motivation, ego management, visualization and handling stress. Based on the science of your brain.


Enjoy Taekwon-Do trainings in the place that has been designed to help us focus and concentrate - learn new approach and exercises.


Mindfulness improves focus, concentration and our ability to let go of negative thoughts, thus changing our overall attitude towards daily challenges.

Men Just Like You Experienced Deep & Lasting Change at TKDMeetUp

Andreas Papaoutsis
Andreas Papaoutsis
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I came here for TKDMeetUp - it was very beautiful. An experience deeper and more meaningful for me than I could have imagined before. A beautiful event in beautiful scenery. I'm really happy I was a part of it.
Robert Skagseth
Robert Skagseth@RoberSkagseth
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My name is Robert Skagseth, I am from Norway. I participated in TKDMeetUp, in this beautiful center, it was a great experience, training Taekwon-Do with friends, meeting new friends, experiencing the journey inside and the essence of DO.
Artur Osuchowski
Artur Osuchowski
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The three most special days of my life have just ended when it comes to everything I like about Taekwon-Do. I haven't participated in an event like this for 25 years. Amazing people, amazing place and activities that were just so full of new things and the approach to patterns and the approach to the psychology and psychotherapy,
Kamil Klimaszewski
Kamil Klimaszewski
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The first meeting at TKDMeetUp was amazing. Amazing people, amazing energy, amazing place - as everyone has surely seen. I think this is the beginning of something really great and I invite everyone to the next edition, I will definitely be there. Thank you!
Organized by Men who are advanced  Taekwon-Do Practitioners  with experience in hypnotherapy and psychology.
Methods proven in the real world by the lasting positive changes.

Master Martin Hewlett, UK

Taekwon-Do Master, Hypnotherapist, Podcaster

Master Hewlett has been a Taekwon-Do instructor for 35 years and has 20 years of experience as a paramedic. It also holds World Records in strength sports. He currently focuses on using hypnotherapy to help people realize their full potential.
Master Hewlett hosts the Calming Anxiety podcast, which is the UK's number one podcast on neurosis and anxiety.

Sabum Roy Rolstad, NO

Taekwon-Do Instructor in NTN, co-creator of ITF Radix Project

Sabum Roy is an instructor from an organization that is often indicated as an example to follow (in Norway Taekwon-Do ITF is the first martial art in terms of the number of trainees).
He is a co-creator of the ITF Radix Project, which gives a new look at patterns (the use of patterns movements for realistic fighting). He will share his methods to teach the values of the DO among the youngest adepts.
He has been a teacher for law enforcement for 25 years.

Sabum Sławomir Listkiewicz, PL

Taekwon-Do Instructor 6th degree, Movement enthusiast

During TKDMeetUp Sabum Sławomir, will conduct Movement morning sessions to wake up our energies for the day. "Movement is the foundation of human existence, movement is life. Movement unleashes energy for action. For the human body to function well, movement should be diverse, taking place in a variable environment, using different objects, individually and in interaction with other people. Movement is freedom in physical, emotional, and spiritual terms."

Sabum Łukasz Grygiel, PL

Creator of Black Belt Project & Extremis, Hypnotherapist, Organizer

Sabum Lukasz Grygiel - for years have been collaborating with Masters and outstanding athletes from all over the world to deliver value to Taekwon-Do students through the Black Belt Project. As the president of the Extremis Foundation, he has been organizing workshops on mindfulness and ego management for men. His work on personal development includes psychotheraphy (group & individual), transpersonal coaching, meditation & hypnotherapy.

Join Now & Get Extra BONUSES!

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Limited Time Bonuses Included with your purchase

€325 total Value Yours FREE

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Still Not Sure? Watch the below video.

TKDMeetUp is the first and only event specifically aimed at men's well-being and health—both physical and mental. The overall atmosphere is truly hard to describe.

Just know that if you decide to come you won't regret it.

Sign Up Now - Special deal for Action-takers!

Date: 3rd – 5th of May, 2024
Place: European Budo Centre, Poland
The Early Bird ticket is 349 €.
This covers everything – full package.

Pay 100€ in advance to save your spot.

The payment will be for Extremis (Black Belt Project) which is the formal name of the foundation.

Only 16 spots are available at this moment.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

Contact me for more information:
Lukasz  Grygiel
phone: +48 796 810 803